LetzRelay blog


April 13, 2023

How hackers are using fake URL redirections to mislead end-users in email phishing?

blog post 2023-04-13


Email phishing attacks have been on the rise in recent years, it is likely to get worse over the time, and hackers are constantly finding new ways to trick unwary victims into divulging sensitive information. One of the techniques they use is fake URL redirections, which involves manipulating links in emails to mislead end-users. This article will explore how hackers use this technique.

What is fake URL redirection?

URL redirection is a common web development technique that allows website owners to redirect users from one page to another. This is useful when a website has changed its URL structure, or when a page has been moved to a new location. However, hackers can also use URL redirection to their advantage in email phishing attacks.

A fake URL redirection involves a hacker creating a fake link that appears to be legitimate but actually takes the user to a different similar website. For example, a hacker might send an email that appears to be from a bank, with a link that looks like it will take the user to the bank's website. However, the link has been manipulated so that it takes the user to a fake website that looks like the bank's website but is actually controlled by the hacker.

How do hackers use fake URL redirections in email phishing?

Hackers use fake URL redirections in email phishing attacks to trick users into divulging sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details. Here are some common scenarios in which hackers use this technique:

  • Impersonating a reputable company: Hackers often impersonate reputable companies such as banks, social media platforms, and online stores. They send emails appearing to be from these companies, with links that lead to fake login pages or payment processing pages. When users enter their credentials or payment information, the hackers capture this data and use it for fraudulent purposes.
  • Creating urgency: Most of the time, hackers use fake URL redirections to create a sense of urgency in their phishing emails. For example, they might send an email that appears to be from a shipping company, claiming that the user's package is delayed and they need to click a link to reschedule delivery. When the user clicks the link, they are taken to a fake website that asks for their personal information.
  • Spear phishing: Spear phishing is a targeted form of phishing in which hackers target specific individuals or organizations. They use fake URL redirections to make their emails appear more convincing. For example, they might send an email to acompany's employee, appearing to be from the CEO or HR department, with a link that leads to a fake login page. When the employee enters their credentials, the hacker gains access to sensitive company information.

How can you protect yourself from fake URL redirections in email phishing?

If your organization doesn't provide with valid automation tools to protect you and itself, the first thing is to be attentive. There are several steps you can take to protect yourself from fake URL redirections in email phishing attacks:

  1. Check carefully the URL: Always check the URL of the website you are visiting before entering any sensitive information. If the URL does not match the website you expect, do not enter any information. Be particularly vigilent to similarities.
  2. Hover over links: Before clicking on a link in an email, hover your mouse over it to see the URL. If the URL does not match the website you expect, do not click the link.
  3. Do not enter sensitive information: Never enter sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, or credit card details on a website unless you are sure it is legitimate.
  4. Be wary of urgency: Be wary of emails that create a sense of urgency and ask you to take immediate action. Always take the time to verify the legitimacy of the email and the website it links to.


Fake URL redirections are a common technique used by hackers in email phishing attacks. By creating fake links that appear to be legitimate, hackers trick unwary users into divulging sensitive information.

However, by being aware of this technique and taking the necessary precautions, such as checking URLs, hovering over links, and not entering sensitive information unless you are sure of the website's legitimacy, you can protect yourself from falling victim to these types of attacks. Additionally, it's essential that your organization stays up-to-date with the latest security measures and software to keep yourself as well as itself safe in the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Learn more on how LetzRelay-MX can help your organization be secured with Internet inbound emails.

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