LetzRelay blog


blog post 2024-04-10
ARC Sealing in Email Security: Advantages & Drawbacks

In the realm of email management, Authenticated Received Chain (ARC) sealing stands as a pivotal technique in ensuring the integrity and authenticity of electronic messages. Let's delve into this method, shedding light on its technical underpinnings...

April 10, 2024
blog post 2024-01-17
Pharming, a sophisticated cyber threat born from the fusion of "phishing" and "farming". What is it?

It's a form of social engineering cyberattack where malevolent actors manipulate a website's traffic, leading unsuspecting users to a fraudulent site. In essence, these "spoofed" sites are designed to trick individuals into divulging their personally...

January 17, 2024
blog post 2023-12-14
LetzRelay-MX experimenting "Declare All Recipients and Affirm (DARA)" - Overview of this new email security protocol

We are currently experimenting email security MTA engine with a new protocol that enhances the security of DKIM signatures  DARA  based on the IETF proposal called "Replay Resistant Authenticated Receiver Chain."...

December 14, 2023
blog post 2023-10-26
Phishing techniques using QR Codes: An Emerging Threat in the World of Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity has become a significant concern in the digital age, and phishing attacks remain one of the most prevalent threats. A variant of this type of attack has recently emerged, causing concern among security experts...

October 26, 2023
blog post 2023-09-13
La guerre des algorithmes : Comment l'IA aide à combattre les emails indésirables

L'email est un outil essentiel de notre vie quotidienne, que ce soit pour le travail, les communications personnelles ou même le shopping en ligne. Cependant, derrière chaque boîte de réception se cache une bataille silencieuse entre les algorithmes de filtrage des courriers indésirables et les techniques sophistiquées des spammeurs...

13 septembre 2023
blog post 2023-08-09
Email Security: The close link between BEC phishing and Identity Impersonation corporate attacks

Today, we are going to delve into a crucial topic in cybersecurity: BEC phishing, also known as Business Email Compromise phishing, and the close link of this attack method with identity impersonation. These two sophisticated attack methods...

August 9, 2023
blog post 2023-07-13
The hidden costs of not securing inbound emails

In this article, we aim to uncover some often-overlooked hidden costs that arise from neglecting inbound email security. In a constantly evolving digital landscape, businesses face growing threats such as phishing and malware. This article outlines certain financial impacts, loss of productivity, reputation damage...

July 13, 2023
blog post 2023-06-22
LetzRelay is the winner of the Cloud Innovation Europe Project of the year 2023

LetzRelay cloud cybersecurity solution has been selected as "Cloud Innovation Project of the Year 2023". The results of the Luxembourg Cloud Awards 2023, organized by Cloud Community Europe - Luxembourg, were revealed during the GOLDEN-i gala on June 21st...

June 22, 2023
blog post 2023-06-14
Email security policy: statistics have not changed in 4 months

6 months after launch, the technical correlation statistics performed by LetzRelay-MX during the first phase of analysis, among the three main ones, show very few changes compared to the data collected 4 months ago...

June 14, 2023
blog post 2023-05-11
Phishing et RGPD : comment se conformer aux réglementations européennes en matière de sécurité des données ?

Le phishing est une technique d'ingénierie sociale qui vise à tromper les utilisateurs pour qu'ils révèlent des informations sensibles, telles que des identifiants de connexion ou des informations de carte de crédit. Avec l'entrée en vigueur du Règlement général sur la protection des données (RGPD) en 2018...

11 mai 2023
blog post 2023-04-13
How hackers are using fake URL redirections to mislead end-users in email phishing?

Email phishing attacks have been on the rise in recent years, and hackers are constantly finding new ways to trick unwary victims into divulging sensitive information. One of the techniques they use is fake URL redirections...

April 13, 2023
blog post 2023-03-08
BIMI: Yet another email marketing stuff?

BIMI (Brand Indicators for Message Identification) is a new standard designed to help email receivers verify the authenticity of emails from a visual point of view...

March 8, 2023
blog post 2023-02-01
2023 will be on the rise in terms of phishing attacks!

Phishing attacks, used by cybercriminals to send misleading messages aimed at tricking the user into providing sensitive information such as credentials or to inject malware on their system, will be more and more on the rise in 2023...

February 1, 2023
blog post 2023-01-19
We'll showcase our Internet Email Cyberscoring & Security solution in April 2023 at one of the most prominent cybersecurity event in France

LetzRelay will be present at FIC (International Cybersecurity Forum) in Lille in April 2023...

January 19, 2023
blog post 2023-01-11
La difficulté organisationnelle de sécuriser les e-mails entrants

Les solutions de sécurisation d'e-mails entrants sont complexes à mettre en place et à superviser. Pour y arriver, les organisations doivent déployer un certain nombre de technologies et développer certaines compétences pointues...

11 janvier 2023
blog post 2022-12-23
Demander aux utilisateurs d'éviter de cliquer sur de mauvais liens ne fonctionne toujours pas

Pourquoi les organisations doivent-elles éviter "de blâmer et d&pos;apeurer" les utilisateurs alors qu&pos;il est plus judicieux et pérenne de mettre en place des mesures techniques pour gérer la menace du phishing ou du hameçonnage...

23 décembre 2022
blog post 2022-11-18
Email security: What is the difference between DKIM signature and PKCS#7 signature?

When it comes to email security, one of the key tools that can be used is email signatures. These are added in the technical headers of an email message, and they provide a way to verify the authenticity of the message and ensure that it has not been tampered with during transit...

November 18, 2022
blog post 2022-10-04
LetzRelay-MX: La solution innovante de sécurité e-mail 3 en 1

Il y a plusieurs raisons pour lesquelles les attaques de phishing par email sont en constante augmentation: C'est une méthode facile et peu coûteuse pour les cybercriminels de cibler de nombreuses personnes à la fois. Ils peuvent envoyer des emails de phishing à des milliers de destinataires...

4 octobre 2022
blog post 2022-09-07
Why is email authentication important?

Email authentication is not optional in 2022. It's a requirement for anyone who wants to send email professionally and securely, but it's also a great way to protect your domain name from phishing scams. In this post, we'll explain why you should be using email authentication and how it works...

September 7, 2022
© LetzRelay by AlSego.